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Direct Line from Steve Edwards: 8/27/2021

August 27, 2021 Press Releases, Monett, Lamar, Springfield

Aug. 27, 2021

COVID-19 update

Thankfully, our COVID-19 hospitalizations continue to fall. We are currently at 131 patients across the health system with COVID, which is a sharp decrease from just around a month ago, when we hit our peak of 187. However, 131 is still very high, so we are carefully monitoring numbers, especially as schools are back in session and cases continue to rise across the country. We have been contacted by other health systems seeking places to send their patients, just as we reached out during our previous surge. We are ready to help when and if we are needed.

We have been asked how many hospitalized patients are vaccinated. While this situation evolves quickly, we created this graphic to illustrate how effective the vaccine is at keeping people from being hospitalized. As we see waves of the virus rise and fall, we will continue to advocate that vaccination is the way to finally end the pandemic.

This belief, and full FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine, led us to announce universal vaccination for CoxHealth employees on Monday. It is now one of several vaccines we require as a condition of employment. We look forward to this widespread layer of protection, and are asking employees to have their first dose by October 15.

Monoclonal antibody infusions

While vaccination is still the key way to avoid COVID and its complications, we are happy to see that monoclonal antibody infusions (MAB) have become a great tool in preventing severe illness and death in those who contract the virus. For example, of more than 1,000 of our patients who received MAB, only three later required hospitalization for COVID pneumonia.

Dr. Shawn Usery explains more about this treatment in this video, and we would love it if you would share it with your contacts. We want to spread the word that MAB is available (instead of other alleged COVID treatments, such as Ivermectin, which has not been found effective against the virus), and ask anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID to contact their primary care provider so they can help coordinate this treatment if someone qualifies. It must be given quickly after diagnosis, so time is of the essence.

Minimum wage adjustment

We have received positive this week feedback from our employees about the minimum wage increase. I so appreciate your support of this initiative, and what it means to the thousands of employees it impacts. I believe that this decision to stay competitive in this marketplace was the right thing to do for them, for our patients, and for our community.

Salute to First Responders

Today was our annual Salute to First Responders in Springfield. It’s an honor to host this annual event at our hospital campuses to recognize the many individuals in this field who are serving our communities. We have also held these drive-thru lunches in Lamar and Branson, and will end this year’s events in Monett next Friday.

Voice of the Patient

Feedback from a patient family member at Cox Monett: “In the past, my father-in-law would refuse to go to the doctor or even the ER if needed. I suggested that he give Cox Monett a try. The nurse was very helpful and would call to ask any needed questions, or to just communicate his health status. When he suffered a medical episode last week, he told my mother-in-law, ‘Call an ambulance and send me to Cox.’ He was then flown to Cox South. My family keeps praising how nice, considerate and helpful the Cox South staff is. My Father-in-Law is a headstrong man and the fact that he willing went to Cox Monett, says a lot!”

Thank you for all you do,