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Direct Line from Max Buetow for 11/11/22

November 11, 2022 Springfield

Nov. 11, 2022

A spirit of collaboration and lifting up our neighbors

When I received the new Biz 100 issue of Biz 417 Magazine, I saw a familiar face, one that represents the things I appreciate most about living in southwest Missouri.

Dr. Hal Higdon, named Biz 100 Person of the Year, graces the cover. I can’t believe I live in a community where I know the person of the year! It’s an honor that is well-deserved: Hal represents the spirit of giving back and lifting each other up.

I appreciate publications like Biz 417 and others that shine a light on our best. That kind of support and celebration of one another is something you don’t see everywhere. What sets our area apart is our people. We are blessed to have leaders, colleagues and neighbors who work together to move our region forward.

When you flip through the Biz 417 issue, there are leaders with CoxHealth connections on nearly every page — from Brad Erwin and Tim Cloyd, to Joe Turner and Sally Hargis. It is an honor to see so many people who are deeply connected to our organization. There is a vicarious pride you feel when you see these leaders together in one place.

These are some of the people I have been fortunate to build relationships with, and I find inspiration in their perspectives. They have given me insight and context as I think about taking on the next challenges.

Any time I schedule an hour for breakfast with one of these people, it always goes an hour and a half. And I am always a better leader for having invested that 90 minutes. I have frequently said that having a great conversation is my favorite mode of learning. You can glean the wisdom others have fought hard to gain. You can question it and ask for feedback. And, when you are lucky, you can give a bit of wisdom of your own.

I love seeing the Biz 100 list focus on the inspiring side of who we can be. As a region, we have so much to celebrate.

However, we know there are still gaps to close to ensure that our community is improving for all of our neighbors. Those of us who have benefitted from all that our region has to offer have a call to action to help close those gaps. Just as we lift each other up in recognition and honors, we need to work to lift up all of those around us.

That’s another reason that Hal is a great choice for Person of the Year. He is the leader of Ozarks Technical Community College, an institution that offers opportunities to people across the spectrum. His work is a great example of stepping up to serve all. It’s one of the reasons I admire him.

I am proud that CoxHealth is also a place where we contribute to progress. When we lift each other up, we improve all levels of this place we all call home.

I want to thank everyone — Biz 100 honorees and beyond — who make our community better.

Serving our community at Trunk or Treat

I am proud that on Halloween more than 2,000 kids joined us for our annual Trunk or Treat event at Cox South. As you would expect, there were a lot of superhero sightings that night: Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, they were all there. And they were joined by a real-life Wonder Woman: Dr. Grenita Lathan.

Dr. Lathan, superintendent of Springfield Public Schools, joined our teams to hand out candy and connect with kids and families. She has such a tough job, and I love that she took the time to roll up her sleeves and help. She is an example of servant leadership, and we need to recognize as a community how blessed we are to have her in a leadership role.

I want to recognize all of our CoxHealth teams – led by event organizer Luke Spain of Trauma Services – for all the work they put into the event. It is a great way to connect to our community, and I appreciate the colleagues and volunteers who make it possible.

Our teams create a special wedding day

The way our teams care for patients doesn’t stop at the bedside. Our caregivers go all in to care for our patients — going above and beyond to wrap whole families in a hug of support.

I got a note this week thanking the team on 700 West for all they did to create a special day for a patient.

The patient was a 37-year-old man facing metastatic cancer. During his long hospitalization, he had mentioned that he and his fiancé were hoping to get married. Unfortunately, cancer had severely limited his mobility, leaving him paraplegic.

Before his discharge to a hospice facility, the staff stepped up to do something amazing: hosting a wedding in a courtyard at Cox South. Pastoral Care and nursing staff coordinated with family to organize the event. They pulled together a wedding cake, music, decorations and more for the special day.

More than 40 family members attended the ceremony. In the note I received, a leader wrote: “It was so incredible to see all their hard work in helping make this possible and it really meant so much to the patient and his family, especially in such a tragic situation.”

I am always grateful for the ways we care for patients and families beyond the clinical. Thank you to everyone who made this day possible for this couple and their family.

Voice of the Patient

From inpatient feedback from a patient’s family member: “Dear CoxHealth at Home Hospice Team, I cannot express my and my family’s thanks enough to you for the care and compassion you showed my mother and us. We will forever be thankful for you.”

Thank you for all you do,
