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Joseph "Eddie" Hansen, DO

I grew up in southwest Missouri in a little town called Granby. I am one of twelve kids, and we lived on a small dairy farm. I spent a lot of time outdoors working on my Eagle Scout Award and enjoyed sports and reading. After high school, I received my associate degree in mathematics and then served a two-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Novosibirsk, Russia. If you are wondering where that is, it is in Siberia and is very cold.

I continued my undergraduate education at MSU in Springfield until I met my wife, Kaitlyn, and transferred to Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, where she was attending school. There I finished a bachelor’s degree in Applied Physics. I went to medical school at Des Moines University in Iowa. I decided on family medicine because it allows me to be a part of the community, caring for patients of all ages and in many different settings.

I have always wanted to come back home and was excited beyond words when I found out I would be completing residency with CoxHealth in Springfield. I was very impressed with the faculty and residents when I rotated there during my fourth year of medical school. They are caring and competent and I look forward to the three years I will get to spend with them.

I spend most of my time with my family. I have an amazing wife and three kids: Rowan (5), Gideon (3) and Heidi (2). We are expecting our second daughter soon. Many towers have been built, books read, balls thrown, and there have been extensive horse rides given. We enjoy spending time outside playing sports, camping, hiking, swimming and rock climbing. We have lots of family spread throughout the states, so we travel and try to see noteworthy places and, of course, enjoy the local foods. I also enjoy building and shooting recurve bows, yo-yoing, painting miniatures and playing board games.