
Specialty Courses

ACLS Prep Course (ACLS Rhythms and Treatments)

Who should take the course?

This course is designed for CoxHealth employees that provide care to patients requiring emergent cardiopulmonary related interventions. This content further covers the pre-course work necessary for students interested in and/or planning to attend an initial ACLS Provider Course. Pre-Course Requirement: Successful completion of the Cardiac Dysrhythmia Interpretation: Step One course. THIS COURSE IS FOR COXHEALTH EMPLOYEES ONLY.

Course Covers

The ACLS Prep course (ACLS Rhythms and Treatments) addresses the principles of early recognition and early treatment of patients undergoing changes related to cardiopulmonary compromise, including:

  • Telemetry patterns interpretation and causation.
  • ACLS specific pharmacologic interventions.
  • ACLS specific electrical interventions.
  • High quality CPR and rescue breathing.
  • Working as a team, effective communication and debriefing.

Course Delivery

The course includes lecture and hands-on skills practice via a megacode session carried out in class by the participants. Successful completion of the course is remaining engaged and participative during the question-and-answer sections.

  • Course length: 8 hours

CoxHealth Employees may register for the class by logging into Healthstream and searching for CARDPUL800-105.

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