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Direct Line From Max Buetow For 12/30/22

December 30, 2022 Blog

Dec. 30, 2022

A New Year is a time to reflect, and set goals

I have never been one to subject myself to traditional New Year’s resolutions, but I do like to set goals for myself and ask my friends to keep me on track. You are my accountability partners — if you see me eyeing the cheesecake at the next Chamber event, please forcefully and promptly guide me away from the dessert table. As we start 2023, here are a few goals I have in mind:

Give up sugar (again): I seem to do this successfully every few months, but my wife’s holiday baking somehow gets the better of me this time of year. If I want my kids to stop telling me I’m way over the hill, I need to get a better handle on my diet.

Bloom where I’m planted: This is a constant focus. As someone who is always looking toward the future and trying to piece together the big picture, it can be hard to remember the opportunities afforded by today. Each day — with its challenges and victories — is a blessing from God, and I am going to work to live more in the moment.

Protect family time: I am married to a woman who is way out of my league, and we have been given the gift of four incredible children. Time is going by so quickly, especially in this new role, and I feel like I am blinking away missed memories. In 2023, I am going to be better at saying “no” to evening and weekend commitments, so my family will know they don’t take a back seat to my job.

Express gratitude: I am constantly humbled by the notes of encouragement and support I receive from my CoxHealth family. I keep each of these messages on my desk for the week to remember the many people who have my back. It is also an important reminder that I need to pay this kindness forward. It doesn’t take long to pen a quick card or stop in the hallway for a short conversation, but each of these efforts can shine a needed ray of light into someone else’s day.

Continue to pray: In the last year, perhaps more than any period in my life, I have witnessed the power of prayer. I wish I could say that I am a prayer warrior, but, even in my lapses, I have watched God’s hand move on the lives of those near to me. Several dear friends have survived cancer, heart attacks, and serious bouts with COVID-19. I have seen broken lives restored and relationships mended. In the New Year, I want to be more faithful to bring the needs of my family and friends to my loving savior.

The end of the year is always a good time to reflect, and I hope that each of you can look back on fond memories and forward to great things to come.

Sharing gratitude with our board members

I really enjoyed getting out of the office last week to deliver Christmas gifts to our board members. My goal was to express my appreciation for all of their work, volunteering their time and talent to serve CoxHealth.

At every stop I made, our board members poured more gratefulness into me than I could for them. Everyone was so welcoming and warm, offering words of encouragement and support. No matter how much I try to share back to our board how much they mean to us, they are always trumping me with their generosity and their warm-hearted giving.

At Jan Baumgartner’s home, for example, I got a chance to visit with her and her husband, and I left there with some of the most delicious brownies I have ever eaten. I appreciated the hospitality — and that the brownies arrived before I fully committed to giving up sugar!

It was so nice to have a day just to make connections and spend quality time with our board members. Each visit was special, and each reminded me of how grateful I am for the high-caliber people who have dedicated themselves to board service.

Security’s lifesaving actions

I am continuously impressed with the “dream team” we get to call CoxHealth’s Public Safety and Security department. Each day, our colleagues set out to protect our patients, visitors and staff, which can lead to performing lifesaving measures.

Last week, CoxHealth’s director of Public Safety and Security, Alan Butler, awarded four security officers the Lester E. Cox lifesaving award. Two awards were given out for separate instances in which CoxHealth security pulled an individual out of a car and administered CPR until clinical teams were able to take over to provider further care.

I could not be prouder of our colleagues and the valiant efforts they bring to the table every day. I know that health care goes beyond clinical work, and I thank our entire staff for always providing high-quality patient care.

A heartfelt ‘thank you’ for those who worked during the holidays

On a recent drive with my family, my kids asked if I was taking time off at Christmas. I told them “yes.” They said they assumed I would take Christmas Day off, since everyone is off that day. It just so happened that they made that observation as we were pulling up to the light at Primrose Street and National Avenue.

I gestured at the hospital and pointed out that there are hundreds of people inside these buildings on Christmas Day because patients don’t go home on Christmas.

I appreciate everything our teams do to serve – especially on holidays, when they are giving up time with their families so they can be here serving other people. All who worked on Christmas Day were standing in the gap for our community when everyone else is enjoying family and friends. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who made that effort for our patients.

Voice of the patient

From patient feedback at Cox South: “I could not have been more pleased with the care and prompt attention I received from my nurses and staff. Everyone was always prompt, friendly, and super helpful.”

Thank you for all you do,
