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CoxHealth employees volunteer at Eden Village

May 10, 2019 Press Releases

CoxHealth recognizes causes monthly through its Charity of the Month program, and in May, the area of focus is homelessness. Several CoxHealth employees recently went to Eden Village, a community of tiny homes for disabled, homeless individuals and volunteered. Here are some of their thoughts:

Terry Westrip, RN, Surgical Services

My daughter is very involved with Eden Village and one day she took me on a tour. When I saw the amazing work they were doing, I was very impressed and also very touched. I asked what needs they had and I was able to go purchase some things the residents needed. Along with my daughter, I also helped sponsor a home. I was able the help furnish a home for a person that had been unsheltered for 32 years. On a cold Sunday afternoon, he moved in to his new house and when he saw his forever home, he was so thankful. I urge anyone who is looking for somewhere to make a difference in someone's life to go meet the team at Eden Village. You will be blessed.

Rachel Jenkins, RN, CARE

I had to choose a homeless outreach program for my BSN, and spent a day with Traci Brown, RN. She takes care of the residents at Eden Village acting as a case worker, helping with medications, taking the residents to their doctor appointments and just helping as an extended family member to the residents. My brother volunteers there twice a month and has sponsored a resident. As a volunteer my brother works on the vegetable garden, and helps with entertainment and sings for them.

My brother is the one who suggested that I go there. It was an amazing experience! I got to meet many of the residents and their pets (they are allowed to have pets). One man was so excited we were there to visit; he invited me into his home and showed me all the quilts someone had made him. The residents were all precious!

Every resident there is grateful to have a chance to improve their situation. Traci was telling me that some of the residents still treat the home that they were given as a temporary situation, because they are always afraid it will be taken away, despite continuous reassurance that the home is permanent for as long as they need it.

They created a mausoleum on the property. Traci said the most asked question became, "What happens to my body when I die. No one will claim me." So they created a forever home – that touched my heart!

I think this is one of the best programs this city has implemented. They are 100% community funded. Each tiny home is built by community volunteers and costs approximately $30,000. Traci said they purchased the land to build 50 new homes in the next few years! I will be volunteering there again this summer!

Adam Curl, Wellness Team Coordinator

I have volunteered with Eden Village in the past. Volunteer workdays are every month on the third Saturday. You can come and go as needed. I just show up and ask wherever they need me to go and do. They really try to match you with your skillset. It takes a lot of little things to get the place up and going.

It's a fairly new organization that was started by a doctor. It's amazing to go and have conversation with the residents. It really makes you realize how blessed we are to have jobs, homes, cars, families. I really like how the organization is designed to get the individual back on their feet.