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Vaccine Clinic Voices – Jen Cochran and Kayla Crawford

April 13, 2021

For the hundreds of CoxHealth staff members who have volunteered at our community vaccination events, the experience has been an uplifting example of being the best for those who need us.

We asked a few staff members to tell us what it meant to them to participate in these historic events – below is the latest in a series of Vaccine Clinic Voices.

Jen Cochran, emergent care education manager, and Kayla Crawford, patient throughput facilitator lead, have worked several of the clinics – here is what they had to say about the experience:

Jen Cochran – “The patients are so excited and grateful”

“A lot of the volunteers have reported how cathartic it is to work at these clinics. It is a light at the end of a dark time. We have had nurses showing up in force to volunteer for this. Our nurses have seen such terrible things this past year. These events are different – they are hopeful. And the patients are so excited and grateful.

The nurses want to come again and again. They love it.”

Kayla Crawford quote

Kayla Crawford – "I have learned a lot about what it means to be part of a community"

“This has been really rewarding. I have learned a lot and have even more respect for CoxHealth since doing this. Getting out and meeting a lot of different people from throughout CoxHealth, you get an appreciation for all the working pieces of the company.”

Kayla helped adjust and perfect the workflows at the clinics. The team changed everything from the original layout of the clinic to things like using printed labels on vaccine cards, rather than hand-writing information.

“We had to find what works and what doesn’t. We adapt as we go and the team has done a great job adapting.

“I have learned about myself and who I am as a person. I found I am more of a leader than I ever thought I could be. I can do a lot more than I thought I could if I put my mind to it.

“And I have learned a lot about what it means to be part of a community. Everyone is so appreciative. This has given me a whole new perspective.”