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Kailey Lawrence was 'up for the challenge' in Engineering

May 14, 2020

In the wake of COVID-19, CoxHealth’s Human Resources team has focused on reassigning staffersfrom areas temporarily closed by the crisis. We are sharing a few stories of those staff members in our “Redeployed Heroes” series.

Kailey Lawrence was happy to get a part-time job in Food Services at Cox Barton County Hospital. She says she really didn't know what to expect when she decided to work in health care for the first time.

"There was something about this job that was different from the others jobs I have had," she said. "I realized early on that I wanted to be a long-term employee with CoxHealth."

Then, in March, things all of a sudden changed with COVID-19. Lawrence found herself needing hours.

"I was given the opportunity to work in Engineering, which I thought was a little strange, but I was up for the challenge," she said. "Come to find out in this new role, I discovered an untapped love for gardening and landscaping, which really surprised me."

Besides working in Engineering, she has also been cleaning the building connected to the CoxHealth Golden City Clinic as they prepare for their move to a new location.

Lawrence says when she thinks of CoxHealth, words like positivity and teamwork come to mind. "I love working here and I'm very grateful for the opportunities that have been given to me."