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CoxHealth revises visitor restrictions

June 11, 2020 Newsroom

Beginning Friday, June 12, CoxHealth will adjust visitor restrictions in a few key areas across the health system.

  • Inpatient: Most non-COVID patients in the hospital will be allowed one visitor for two consecutive hours per day. Visitors may choose between one of two open visiting opportunities: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., or 4 – 6 p.m. These hours are consistent across all campuses.

  • Emergency departments and Urgent Cares: Patients will be allowed one visitor for the first and last 30 minutes of treatment to assist with admission details and discharge planning.

  • End-of-life care: Patients who are at end-of-life, or on comfort care, will be able to have two visitors at a time.

Visitors to CoxHealth are required to wear a mask covering the nose and mouth; will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 upon entry; and must wash their hands when entering and exiting the patient’s room. They are also encouraged to stay six feet away from the patient.

CoxHealth’s previous visitor restrictions at all facilities will stay in place except for the new guidelines outlined above. To read the complete list of guidelines, click here.